
Depression is not only a very sensitive but also an extremely important topic. It's a serious illness that makes it hard to function and enjoy the life like you did before. But no matter how hopeless you feel or how overwhelming it can be to get through the day, remember that it can get better!

Depression is a widely spread and debilitating mood disorder. About 350 million people of all ages experience symptoms of depression and the number of people that are affected is rising.
When you suffer of depression you feel like nothing will ever change to the better. Especially difficult for the patients is to remember that the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are a symptom of depression and not the reality.
Depression is no character trait or weakness. It is a illness that you have to - and can – cure. It is caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors as well as genetics.

You can also watch this well-made and very informing video, made by Helen M. Farrell, animated by Artrake Studios and published on the 15th december 2015 on the “Ted-Ed” YouTube channel.

Possible causes of depression
People tend more to suffer of depression if...

•    they live lonely or isolated
•    they experienced a lack of social support
•    they have a family history of depression
•    they tend to alcohol or drug abuse
•    they experience a stressful life or have (relationship, financial, work-related) problems
•    they have health problems or chronic pain
•    they had traumatic experiences.

Of course depression can affect everyone even without the aspects named above.

Symptoms & warning signs
There are no common symptoms of depression as it varies from person to person and can depend on gender or age. But here a few warning signs that you should definitely keep an eye on (especially the first two aspects).

•    You feel hopeless and helpless (“nothing will ever get better and nothing can improve my situation”).
•    You lost interest in daily activities and things you used to enjoy. Moreover you lack the ability to feel joy and pleasure.
•    You lost your energy and feel tired all the time. The whole body feels heavy, you get a feeling of fatigue or physically drain and even small tasks are exhausting and more difficult then they used to be.
•    Your sleep, appetite or weight has changed. You may suffer of insomnia or oversleeping and you experience a significant weight loss or gain.
•    You can't concentrate and have trouble when you have to make decisions or remember things.
•    You harshly criticise yourself and have a strong feeling of worthlessness or guilt.
•    You can't control your negative thoughts even though you try really hard.
•    You're especially irritable and feel more short-tempered, restless and aggressive then normal. Your tolerance level is low.
•    You tend to reckless and escapist behaviour (like substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving).
•    You recognise an increase of (unexplained) physical complaints like headaches and stomach or back pain.

Of course these symptoms can also be part of the life's normal lows but the stronger and longer lasting they are, the more likely is someone suffers of depression.


The different types of depression
There are many different types of depression. Knowing the type of depression a person is suffering of is really helpful as she can thereby get a more effective treatment.

•    Depression or bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as depression as it's low phase is so similar to depression. But the difference is that the bipolar disorder also includes a phase of euphoria and changes the person's mood, energy, thinking and behaviour.
•    Major depression is a type of depression that lasts untreated about six months and it can be a recurring disorder.
•    Atypical depression is diagnosed when people experience a temporary mood lift when something positive happened or is happening. A few symptoms are for example increased appetite, weight gain, sleeping excessively or sensitivity to rejection.
•    Dysthymia is describes as a “low-grade” depression, while the person may also have short periods of normal mood she is often mildly or moderately depressed. The symptoms may not be so strong but last a very long time so suffering people often think they have always been depressed and it's just their character or mood.
•    Seasonal affective disorder is a kind of depression that is quite rare and takes place when the daylight hours reduce towards winter. It can make you feel like a completely other person than in summer.


Suicide risk due to depression
Suicide is a huge risk when someone suffers of depression as the sufferer may see it as the only way to escape from the hopelessness. When you know a person suffering of depression watch attentive for these warning signs and listen to your gut instinct. Help these persons and talk about suicide and their suicidal expressions openly. It is proven that a open talk reduces suicidal thoughts!

•    Talking about killing or harming the own person.
•    Unusual preoccupation with death.
•    Reckless behaviour.
•    Saying goodbye (visiting, calling people or saying goodbye as if they would never see again) and getting affairs in order.
•    Expressing strong feelings of hopelessness and negative talking about the own person (“Everything would be better without me”).
•    Sudden switch from a extremely depressed mood to acting happy and calm.

Recovery and help
Depression may feel like there is no way out of the bad situation but the truth is that there are many things you can do to lift and stabilise your mood. Feeling better takes time so the key is to start with a few small goals and build slowly from there.

•    Talking to someone about the feelings and experiences is extremely helpful so reach out to other people like friends and loved ones – even if you feel alone or you don't want to be a burden to others! The adept person doesn't need to fix you, she just needs to be a good listener that doesn't judge or distract you. Isolation impairs depression and most of the people are really honoured that you chose to dedicate them.
•    Even if small tasks seem exhausting - try to move (for example by exercising) as it can counter the symptoms of depression really well. Start with small activities like dancing to your favourite music or going on a small walk.
•    Participate in the world around you again by spending some time in the nature, caring for a pet or picking up a (new) hobby. It may be difficult first but with the time you will start to feel better.
•    Reduce food or drinks that affect your mood (like caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, sugar, and refined carbs) and concentrate on mood-enhancing nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids. Our diet has a huge impact on our psyche.




Important contacts and numbers
Asking and seeking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength! Seek help from a mental health professional and maybe also from family, friends and through a positive lifestyle change.

It is important to understand your depression and work against it, but you don't have to fight on your own, so going to a therapist is a very good opportunity. Moreover they have to keep the professional discretion. Medication is also helpful when you suffer of depression or suicidal thoughts. It isn't a long-term solution but helps to relieve the symptoms. Be sure to speak with your doctor before taking appropriate medication. Often is is best to combine medication and therapy.
Depression hotlines are for people that search for support or want to tell someone about their experiences and talk. They can help you through tough times, support and provide advise.

Visit, or to find a helpline in your country!

If you feel depressed or suicidal, reach out for help!!! Your problems may seem overwhelming and depressing but there is always a way to overcome this, you can feel better and there are many people that want to help you!